Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Logging Victoria's Forests

ABS 2008 data on Native Forest Areas gives Victoria'a area of public owned forests set aside for wood production at 3,163,000ha, with a similar amount in Nature Conservation Areas, and 1,1025,000ha of native forests in private hands.

Vicforests clears 9,470ha (0.3%) annually - 26ha per day (the MCG arena is 2ha).
This figure has not changed significantly since sustainability levels were reduced in 1992.
So, in 18 years we have lost 5.4% of public owned state forest.

This annual harvest is accumulative - different hectares are logged every year.

The trees regenerating from forests harvested today will mature, develop hollows, and begin to support our threatened species sometime during the 23rd century. At current rates, by 2200
62% of publis native forest will be regenerating forest. But the logging will say it is still only logging 0.8% of the remaing forest area pa, even if held at today's 9470ha per annum.

That's the reality hidden in the statistics - forest data must be considered long term.


DSE's 2008 State of the Forests figures states that of 34,000ha in Victoria subject to regeneration between 1996-97 and 200-2001, 30,000 ha are successfully regenerating. In contrast, another DSE report, Monitoring Annual Harvesting Performance (MAHP) 2006-7, states that 7,191ha require additional effort for successful regeneration and 19,000ha are overdue for regeneration surveys. (Effects of 2006/7 fires were not included.)

Can both reports be correct?


Thinning is carried out approximately 20 years after logging.

The MAHP reports on the damage from thinning operations.

In this report it reveals that Vicforests provided damage reports from just 26 of the 52 couples thinned, and data supplied from those 26 was insufficient for effective assessments of the risks associated with excessive thinning.

Hmmmmm ...

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