Monday, February 28, 2011

Dargues Reef Mine Proposal

Jackie French, author of many books for children and young adults on Australia's history and wildlife is asking for support for a petition demanding that a proper and complete environmental assessment is conductied prior to the approval of
The Dargues Reef Gold Mine Project - Reference Number: 2010/5770
which is directly threatening the gully which is home to the wombats she has written so much about, numerous other endangered plants and animals, and an area identified by the Commonwealth Government as a High Conservation Value Aquatic river system.
A comprehensive submission can be found at
A list of background material is being compiled at
And if you would like to support this call for assitance and common sense, sign the petition at
And go to Jackie's website and start your own petition -
Why don't we value our wildlife higher than pieces of silver?
The precautionary principle demands that a proper and complete study be done of the area. Let us not drive our native animals to extinction before our children even learn of their existance.

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