Hi all.
I'm finally online after procrastinating for so long.
Still - it can't be any worse than ICQ or jumping onto a newsgroup can it? Except that here I know that I'm not talking to anyone, or at the very best, there will be a considerable time lag between uttering my words and them being 'heard.'
Even that is no difference to the words of any author...
Is that what makes an author? - that their words are as pertinent whenever they're heard?
Shall I be an author? Here goes ... (big breath ;)
I've been on the internet for almost 20 years after rejecting computer science and engineering for mathematics many years before. Now I am a librarian.
In this, my very first blog posting, I'm going to tell you, briefly, about a few significant books in my life.
Of these, the I Ching, or Book of Changes, is the one I could not do without. It is a relationship spanning 35 years and has stood by me through thick and thin, blood, sweat and tears. The same society that created the I Ching, also created the binary number system and Tai Chi.
High also on the list are The Doors to Perception by Aldous Huxley for teaching me to appreciate art, Chaos, by James Gleick for showing me the universe in a grain of sand, Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott for opening the door to other dimensions and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards for teaching me to believe in myself.
In fiction I would choose Childhood's End (Arthur C. Clarke), The Left Hand of Darkness (Ursula Le Guin), Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (Douglas Adams) and of course Alice.
If anyone's reading this I've probably said enough, and if no-one's reading this then why go on.
Welcome to the "A taste of Web 2.0" program I hope you enjoy the learning experience. I look forward to reading your blog.
Love your Blog name!
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